Ray I Can 不 看

ELF file on disk



ELF, what do you look like???

Source code and output

#include <stdio.h>

char *global_string = "abc";
char *global_string2 = "Hello World !";
const int const_num = 128;
int global_num = 1024;
int global_uninit_num;

int main()
	int stack_num = 2048;
	int stack_static_num = 123;
	char *stack_string = "Hello World !";
	printf("addr of global_string is 0x%x,\naddr of global_string2 is 0x%x,\naddr of global_num is 0x%x,\naddr of global_uninit_num is 0x%x,\naddr of stack_num is 0x%x,\naddr of stack_string is 0x%x \n", &global_string, &global_string2, &global_num, &global_uninit_num, &stack_num, &stack_string);
	printf("stack_static_num = %d, global_uninit_num=%d\n", stack_static_num, global_uninit_num);
	printf("the address in the global_string is 0x%x\nthe address in the global_string2 is 0x%x\nthe address in in the stack_string is 0x%x\n", global_string, global_string2, stack_string);
	return 0;

The build command is : gcc -Wall -o0 test.c -o test

Output is :

addr of global_string is 0x8049860,
addr of global_string2 is 0x8049864,
addr of global_num is 0x8049868,
addr of global_uninit_num is 0x8049874,
addr of stack_num is 0xbfcabc28,
addr of stack_string is 0xbfcabc24 
stack_static_num = 123, global_uninit_num=0
the address in the global_string is 0x8048544
the address in the global_string2 is 0x8048548
the address in in the stack_string is 0x8048548

test(executable file) on disk

Content of test

To see the conetent, run this command: hexdump -C test The output of this command is here.

We can see that the content are digital numbers, it is the command which can be run on the computer.


Look the properties of test, we can see the size is 5396 = 0X1514.

NOTE: Size on disk should be a little more than Size because of allocation units in Windows.


The structure of test



Note: in our test file, there are two sections under section header table.


To see structure, run the command:readefl -a test The output is here.

This is the ELF header info, it will show the outline the ELF file (test):


We can see that:

  • The entry point is 0x8048340, this is the address of _start but not main. We will discuss this later.
  • The size of ELF header is 52
  • The size of program header table is 32*8 and the offset is 52. 32*8 + 52 = 308 = 0x134
  • The offset of section header table is 2500 = 0x9c4, and the size of this table is 40*30 = 1200 = 0x4B0, 0x4B0 + 0x9c4 = 0xE74. It means the scope of section header table is from: 0x9c4 to 0xE74

This is the detail info of all the sections:


We can see that:

  • The offset of Section [1] is 0x134, the content ahead is ELF header, and program header table.
  • Section header table is between [27] to [28]. we have known that the section header table is from 0x9c4 to 0xE74, and 0x8c5 + 0xfc = 0x9c1. For aligning, the offset of the Section header table is 0x9c4
  • The size of the ELF file is 0x12d4+ 0x240 = 0x1514 = 5396

The skeleton of the test

