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What application_server have done for us?



我在哪? 我在干什么?

0. 术语定义

有很多文章中都有提到web server,根据上下文,它一般有三种含义:

  • nginx,Apache之类的Http server
  • uWSGI,或执行cgi script之类的进程,在这里我叫它application server
  • http server + application server, 像借助wsgiref库运行的server
#! /usr/bin/env python

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

def application (environ, start_response):

	# 这里从 environ 字典中获取所有的变量值
	response_body = [
		'%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in sorted(environ.items())
	response_body = '\n'.join(response_body)

	status = '200 OK'
	response_headers = [
		('Content-Type', 'text/plain'),
		('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))
	start_response(status, response_headers)

	return [response_body]

# 启动 WSGI  服务器
httpd = make_server (
	application # 这里指定我们的 application object)

# 开始处理请求

由于我们要介绍的是http server <-> application serverapplication server <-> application 两个层次的协议,所以在这里要做一个严格的区分,以防混淆。

1. uwsgi, uWSGI, WSGI 的关系


  • uwsgi: The uwsgi (lowercase!) protocol is the native protocol used by the uWSGI server. Nginx natively includes support for upstream servers speaking the uwsgi protocol since version 0.8.40.

  • WSGI: WSGI is the Web Server Gateway Interface. It is a specification that describes how a web server (it means application server) communicates with web applications, and how web applications can be chained together to process one request.

  • uWSGI: uWSGI is a WSGI implementation.In this tutorial we will set up uWSGI so that it creates a Unix socket, and serves responses to the web server (it means http server) via the uwsgi protocol. At the end, our complete stack of components will look like this:

    the web client <-> the web server <-> the socket <-> (uwsgi protocol)uWSGI(WSGI) <-> Python

更形象的用一张图说明: image.png-59.4kB 注: 图片中web server指application server

2. 为什么会有uwsgi


  1. 浏览器发送请求给服务器,包含请求头和请求体
  2. 服务器解析请求头和请求体
  3. 服务器根据请求信息来处理请求,生成返回内容
  4. 服务器生成响应头和响应体
  5. 服务器返回响应给浏览器,浏览器显示给用户

一个网站,一般有很多个不同的请求,在这些请求中,基本1,2,4,5步都是固定的,变的只有第三步,所以把这四步抽象出来,让开发者只关注第三步,这样就可以极大提升开发效率。这样就有了application server专注于处理client的不同请求,以及http server与application server之间的通信协议。

http server 与 application server之间协议出现的顺序是: CGI –> FastCGI –> uwsgi(先有了WSGI,后有的uwsgi)

2.1 协议比较

  • CGI
    1. CGI协议让http server 与CGI script一起响应client的请求。
    2. CGI协议定义了如何把客户的request信息传递给CGI script
    3. http server负责处理网络连接,网络的数据传输,CGI script负责处理用户请求
    4. CGI的一个特点是,对于每一个HTTP请求,Web服务器都会新建一个进程(fork),等应用程序返回结果后,这个进程就会结束。


    注: 图片中web server指http server

  • FastCGI
    1. CGI的fork-and-execute做法在HTTP请求多的时候,http server频繁的创建进程,创建进程的开销是非常大的。所以为了提高性能,有了FastCGI
    2. FCGI的做法是在Web服务器启动的时候,就创建多个应用程序进程,当Web服务器接收到HTTP请求时,就把请求分发给其中一个空闲的进程。
    3. FCGI另一个特点是支持分布式,也就是http server 和application server可以在不同的机器。
  • uwsgi
    1. It is a binary protocol that can carry any type of data.
    2. Binary management is much easier and cheaper than string parsing

2.2 CGI协议测试

  1. 环境准备
    • windows环境下安装XAMPP,python
    • 修改Apache配置文件httpd.conf
  2. 创建html & python script

     ################ cgitest.html ################
     <!DOCTYPE html>
         <meta charset="utf-8">
     <form action="/cgi-bin/test.py" method="post">
         <textarea name="textcontent" cols="40" rows="4">在这里输入内容...</textarea>
         <input type="checkbox" name="runoob" value="on" /> checkbox--1
         <input type="checkbox" name="google" value="on" /> Google
         <input type="radio" name="site" value="runoob" /> radio--1
         <input type="radio" name="site" value="google" /> Google
         <select name="dropdown">
             <option value="runoob" selected>dropdown--1</option>
             <option value="google">Google</option>
         <input type="submit" value="提交" />
     ################# cgi script ################
     #!D:/program Files/Python35/python.exe -u
     # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
     import os
     import sys
     print('Set-Cookie: name="rainbow";expires=Wed, 28 Aug 2018 18:30:00 GMT')
     print('')                               # 空行,告诉服务器结束头部
     print ("<meta charset=\"utf-8\">")
     raw_data = sys.stdin.read()
     print('+++++++++++raw data from stdin ++++++++++++</br>')
     print('+++++++++++++++prit pid +++++++++++++++++++</br>')
     print ("<b>environment</b><br>");
     print ("<ul>")
     for key in os.environ.keys():
         print ("<li><span style='color:green'>%30s </span> : %s </li>" % (key,os.environ[key]))
     print ("</ul>")
     ``` *注:windows环境下python的路径*
  3. 从http server传输给script信息如下:
    • POST请求 image_1bvm2qqtp1a64dgsn74k6r1ed7m.png-207.1kB
    • GET请求 image_1bvm326av1j82a3r11dflikuqc13.png-203.5kB


    • POST请求通过stdin传输用户提交的信息,GET请求通过环境变量QUERY_STRING
    • POST请求中,CONTENT_LENGTH表示stdin中传输的字符串长度
    • 说明CGI是一个文本协议,虽然它对人很友好(可读性强),但是对计算机来说就不太友好了,解析起来非常耗时。

    文本协议:一目了然,无须编程接口,无须依赖关系,通常用于比较开放的领域。 二进制协议: C/S要共享同样的数据结构,有编译依赖关系,或者代码copy, 可用于内部通信协议,或者出于保密原因的通信鞋议。

3. 为什么会有WSGI

3.1 为什么会有web框架

把web server细分成了http server处理网络数据传输,和application serve处理用户请求,会提升整个web服务的IO性能。当application server处理用户请求过程中,也有很多通用的事情需要处理,这些通用的处理可以交给web 框架。譬如:

  • URL 的匹配和路由转发
  • Request/Response 的封装
  • 错误、异常的处理
  • session 的支持
  • 模板的支持
  • 数据库 ORM 的支持
  • 一些高级功能如 Form 表单对象,admin 后台管理的支持等


3.2 WSGI

  1. web框架有很多,例如:Django,Flask,webpy,bottlepy。为了保证application server能和众多的web框架work together,而不用修改任何代码。就有了WSGI。 image_1bvv3h8n8151f1gtk1fk91k9218rl9.png-37.2kB

  2. application server

     # Construct environment dictionary using request data
     env = self.get_environ()
     # It's time to call our application callable and get
     # back a result that will become HTTP response body
     result = self.application(env, self.start_response)
     # Construct a response and send it back to the client
  3. callable object

     def simple_app(environ, start_response):
         """Simplest possible application object"""
         status = '200 OK'
         response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
         start_response(status, response_headers)
         return ['Hello World']

4. WSGI 接口实现

4.1 server端

# Tested with Python 3.6, Linux & Mac OS X
import socket
from io import StringIO
import sys

class WSGIServer(object):

    address_family = socket.AF_INET
    socket_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
    request_queue_size = 1

    def __init__(self, server_address):
        # Create a listening socket
        self.listen_socket = listen_socket = socket.socket(
        # Allow to reuse the same address
        listen_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        # Bind
        # Activate
        # Get server host name and port
        host, port = self.listen_socket.getsockname()[:2]
        self.server_name = socket.getfqdn(host)
        self.server_port = port
        # Return headers set by Web framework/Web application
        self.headers_set = []

    def set_app(self, application):
        self.application = application

    def serve_forever(self):
        listen_socket = self.listen_socket
        while True:
            # New client connection
            self.client_connection, client_address = listen_socket.accept()
            # Handle one request and close the client connection. Then
            # loop over to wait for another client connection

    def handle_one_request(self):
        self.request_data = request_data = self.client_connection.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
        # Print formatted request data a la 'curl -v'

            '< {line}\n'.format(line=line)
            for line in request_data.splitlines()


        # Construct environment dictionary using request data
        env = self.get_environ()

        # It's time to call our application callable and get
        # back a result that will become HTTP response body
        result = self.application(env, self.start_response)

        # Construct a response and send it back to the client

    def parse_request(self, text):
        request_line = text.splitlines()[0]
        request_line = request_line.rstrip('\r\n')
        # Break down the request line into components
        (self.request_method,  # GET
         self.path,            # /hello
         self.request_version  # HTTP/1.1
         ) = request_line.split()

    def get_environ(self):
        env = {}
        # The following code snippet does not follow PEP8 conventions
        # but it's formatted the way it is for demonstration purposes
        # to emphasize the required variables and their values
        # Required WSGI variables
        env['wsgi.version']      = (1, 0)
        env['wsgi.url_scheme']   = 'http'
        env['wsgi.input']        = StringIO(self.request_data)
        env['wsgi.errors']       = sys.stderr
        env['wsgi.multithread']  = False
        env['wsgi.multiprocess'] = False
        env['wsgi.run_once']     = False
        # Required CGI variables
        env['REQUEST_METHOD']    = self.request_method    # GET
        env['PATH_INFO']         = self.path              # /hello
        env['SERVER_NAME']       = self.server_name       # localhost
        env['SERVER_PORT']       = str(self.server_port)  # 8888
        return env

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        # Add necessary server headers
        server_headers = [
            ('Date', 'Tue, 31 Mar 2015 12:54:48 GMT'),
            ('Server', 'WSGIServer 0.2'),
        self.headers_set = [status, response_headers + server_headers]
        # To adhere to WSGI specification the start_response must return
        # a 'write' callable. We simplicity's sake we'll ignore that detail
        # for now.
        # return self.finish_response

    def finish_response(self, result):
            status, response_headers = self.headers_set
            response = 'HTTP/1.1 {status}\r\n'.format(status=status)
            for header in response_headers:
                response += '{0}: {1}\r\n'.format(*header)
            response += '\r\n'

            for data in result:
                response += data.decode('utf-8')
            # Print formatted response data a la 'curl -v'
                '> {line}\n'.format(line=line)
                for line in response.splitlines()


def make_server(server_address, application):
    server = WSGIServer(server_address)
    return server

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        sys.exit('Provide a WSGI application object as module:callable')
    app_path = sys.argv[1]
    module, application = app_path.split(':')
    module = __import__(module)
    application = getattr(module, application)
    httpd = make_server(SERVER_ADDRESS, application)
    print('WSGIServer: Serving HTTP on port {port} ...\n'.format(port=PORT))

4.2 application端

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, './hello')
from hello import wsgi

app = wsgi.application

注:需要自己django-admin startproject hello 创建一个django project

5. Reference

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